How to Determine Your Life Path Theme Planet Ruler

All parts of the chart need to be integrated if the native is to become more fulfilled and express the electromagnetic energies corresponding with the charts potential. The highest potential is desired, so all the planets energies need to be active and the person conscious of their use.

A Chart’s Theme Planet

An astrology chart has its theme sometimes known as the charts signature which basically describes or gives an overview of the charts makeup as a result of looking at the different parts of it and compiling that information in order to reveal a lens or unique coloring if you like that becomes in the end a particular expression or tendency the person may lean towards or be naturally disposed to if it’s the natal chart theme for example in how they view life and act it out.

However a chart also has a “main theme planet ruler” along with sub-theme ruler planets that helps describe or narrow down further the charts theme. The themes may differ according to the type of chart in which case the theme planet ruler needs to be referenced along those lines according to its nature and the theme.

A charts main planet for the theme is found by doing a zodiacal trail for each planet and noting what end planet of all the trails comes up the most.

The theme planet ruler is of extra significance with the sub-planet ruler supporting it. In the natal chart it represents what can run through the life as the main thread. Synchronizing with its position by discovery of it and then finding out as much about it as possible through its trail and the trails linking to it will raise its vibratory frequencies within you and your resonance pertaining to your personality, and soul, and spiritual expression, and connections with things to do with the house it’s in via the planets that make up its main trail root and the other areas of the chart which those same planets branch out to have their roots.

In this post we will be looking at how to determine the planet which denotes the theme for a Life Plan but first it’s important to explain a little bit about what zodiacal trails are in astrology.

Zodiacal Trails

Understanding zodiacal trails and how they work is an effective astrological tool used for helping in interpretation of a chart. Noting each planet and what links to it via the natural ruling planet of the sign it’s in (ie: it’s dispositor) the chart is broken down using astrological shorthand which makes it easy to order and translate the abstract astrological symbolism into keywords and phrases.

This is done for each planet and is the common method to find out on the surface of things what supports and connects to the planet from other areas of the chart. While this can be revealing it’s nowhere near as revealing if you want to find out more about a planet and ways to better utilize its energies. When that’s the case its best to employ the “duad” (ie: 2.5 degree) zodiacal trails which are an excellent method you can use to uncover extra pieces of handy information pertaining to an area of life and the planet(s) in the trail and the theme of the trail overall for example.

Duads are the thirty degrees of a sign broken down into 2.5 degree increments with each one representing a sub-sign of that sign. Each sub-sign has its corresponding natural ruling planet which is located in the chart and followed through to the next and so on which is how the trail is discovered and created. You’ll need to consult a duad grid in order to work out the trail.

Zodiacal trails are like neural pathways or planetary DNA threads that can help to define character and unique traits of an individual, or business, or group for example. There are different types of trails such as the personality, and soul, and spiritual trails, and trails for each area of life, and the main axis lines of the chart are the most common ones.

Zodiacal trails can have a number of uses.

  • They help pinpoint and uncover deeper things about an area of life and its links.
  • Can tell you about the charts overall theme.
  • Define the theme planetary ruler for an area of life.
  • Describe a planets deeper connections and patterns other than just by aspect and singular position.
  • Reveal more about a planets interaction with another planet or group of planets.

The duads trail of a planet is more accurate and can show ways to further develop and make use of the planet. It also shows the planets sub-influences and connecting receptors of its make up by virtue of the other planets in the trail and how they play a role individually and all together in defining the particular type of trail and what its purpose and connections to the other areas of life are in the chart.

In addition to a planets trail it can be useful to note when doing them the corresponding “sign” and “house” trails that are created also as a natural consequence of the trail of planets.

Zodiacal Trail Parts

When assessing a zodiacal trail it helps to note things like how many trails there are and where they lead to and what planets are involved in each trail, also the ones that stand out the most in some way, or are the strongest, and what each trail defines in terms of the main planet at the beginning and the one at the end of the trail which is especially important for any significant planets that are highlighted in an area of the chart or feature prominently for example.

A zodiacal trail has a beginning and end planet and planets which make up the parts of the trail in between.

The beginning planet of the trail which is the one chosen to investigate further has its roots— which are the main trail of planets that lead to the deepest root being the end planet of the trail.

A trail ends when a planet in the trail happens to come up a 2nd time. That’s the end planet and means the circuit is complete and will only repeat itself if gone on further.

The end planet for a person has an affinity in connection to the other planets in the trail and in relation to especially acting as the seed planet for the growth of the trail and especially for the planet at the beginning that’s being investigated.

A planets main trail can also have branches that stem off from the planets that make up the main trail. The branches can show useful connections to other areas of the chart with planets and their trails.


Theme Planet Ruler of the Life Plan

Determining the Life Plan theme planet ruler is a very quick and simple way to get an overview of the plan and can serve to show a lot about the main area of life the theme planet is in the chart, as it becomes a main focal point for the deciphering of the life plan and an extra channel for each of the parts that make up the life plan. In addition each zodiacal trail offers further insight and can be used as channels to create, and build and steer the life plan to its objectives—and for expression of character and skills connected with development and fulfillment of each of the main parts that make up the life plan. Explore those trails and you’ll be able to see from looking at the chart where you’re going plus use that knowledge as a strategy for further planning and development in personal development aims such as goals and accomplishments to do with an area of life for example.

For example JK Rowling Life Plan/Path main theme planet ruler is Uranus. (see astro shorthand table below)

It’s fairly easy to see with Uranus as her life plan/path theme planet she has aligned with fulfillment and expression of its highest potentiality actualized as noted through her life’s work and soul purpose. The skill and ability to utilize her Uranian energies along with other parts of her chart has done and continues to demonstrate in her unique style and originality as in the Harry Potter series for example, and some of her other works. This is the genius of Uranus with its humanitarian overtones showing through. In addition more insight and evidence can be revealed with the connection to the sign Libra with Uranus as the soul ruler conductor, and Venus the personality ruler, and on the spiritual level the planet representing the awakening and output of her spiritual drives which serve to motivate and provide the right type of initiatives in order to feed her soul purpose. Incidentally it’s interesting to note in her life plan how she is also naturally fulfilling her path of Earth service to humanity through not only her work but also her philanthropic outlets with the appearance of Uranus again—this time as the natural planetary ruler of her Earth which is in the sign of Aquarius Uranus natural ruler.

 The example below shows each trail of her life plan and the theme planet ruler for it being Uranus as the end planet which happens to be the case for each of the trails *please note: It maybe that your life plan/path has a different end planet for each or some of the trails, in which case you would see which end planet comes up the most, and that would be your Life/plan theme planet ruler, with the next most popular planet the sub-ruler.

How to do Zodiacal trails

A standard Zodiacal trail, is found by noting a planet the sign it’s in, then going to the signs natural ruling planet wherever that is in the chart, and noting the sign it is in and following through and noting its natural ruling planet and so forth repeating the same process until you come to the end planet which represents the end of the trail.

Here’s how to create a duad zodiacal trail

  1. Beginning Planet = First check its degree and then consult the duads table to find the sub-sign it comes under.
  2. Next note that sub-sign natural ruling planet wherever it is in your chart, note its degree, find what its sub-sign is in the duad table, then note its natural ruling planet and its degree in the chart and continue to do that until you come to the end planet of the trail.

For clarity and a visual graphic it can be fun to print out a copy of your natal chart and draw the trails in using a different color for each trail—this can really show what planets stand out and especially the house(s) which have the most trails going to it and the planets in it.

Zodiacal trails and theme planets of the chart are handy tools of astrological knowledge that can offer surprising results and give important information where otherwise on the surface maybe thought that’s all there is to know about a planet and an area of life. Putting the time into doing a chart trails is well worth it—you never know it may shed some light on a problem, or provide an answer on just what you’re looking for, or didn’t expect as a nice surprise upon discovering a new trail and where it leads to, and the benefits as a result of further study and exploration in planetary insights and astrology.
