Transiting Jupiter

Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius which makes it stronger and therefore wherever it is transiting in your chart note changes in the form of it taking on a Sagittarian theme. Any aspects it makes over the year to other planets, especially if it’s a conjunction or opposition can be opportunities for growth and benefit, and also discovery and learning more about what it represents, its qualities, uses, and experiences in relation to its natal and progressed house positions and even solar return position if its highlighted in some way in the chart.

*note: Aspect times (ie when a transiting planet is within about a 1.5 to 1.00 degree orb either side of exact conjunction) shows when the energies to do with the planets concerned are more active and as such can indicate when events are more prone to come to the fore—hence a good rule of thumb is no matter what type of aspect (as they are all useful) the time frame just before it culminates which is when the aspect orb degree is zero (a matter of a days or few days only, or weeks if it’s an outer planet like Pluto for example) can be ideal for determining the timing of events to take place.  

When looking at a planet’s transits (the slower ones more so) to get a better understanding of its nature and how it works it can help to look back over when it was last transiting the sign and area of life you want to look at and note what type of experiences and theme it was that played out at that time. As a Jupiter cycle is 12 years it was from late November 2006 to mid-December 2007 when it last went through Sagittarius—and even though age and the timeslot will be different each time there often shows a connection or similar trend within the context of the type of experiences that occurred in the past with ones in the present, or future transits—and this can be traced via the house activities things, together with the things the planet is known for to represent which in this case are the things that come under Jupiter’s rulership.

However to go one step further, because a planet has numerous things that come under its rulership, while it helps to keep an open and aware observation of all the things or avenues allotted to its rulership, if you really want to focus on benefiting further in the use of its resources say for personal development purposes or a specific aim for example, then it helps to narrow it down to a particular theme—meaning choosing one or two things in common the planet represents out of the things that come under its rulership that fits best with your personal development aims to focus on the most in that area of life or ones related to it you want to do more about.

* When interpreting a planets meaning it’s important to recognize in what context it’s being interpreted or applied, as the meaning of the planet being so varied will be defined much clearer when you use a planets one or two keywords only and also know the theme or have a theme to apply it to—as a result it means you are making the planets energies work for you better, because its meaning is being directed at or through something specific and more tangible.

Also when a planet is transiting through an area of life while its important to know what array of things come under its domicile, it helps to focus on mainly the things most important to you rather than a whole lot of different things to do with that area, as that can help to understand the house better which can prove to provide better self-autonomy with a stronger bearing on direction and accomplishment of aims associated with those chosen main things to do with the house.

For example with regards to transiting Jupiter and choosing a theme in terms of main things that come under its  rulership—you  might decide it’s to do with teaching, or laws, or learning, or travel, or higher education, or higher mind awareness, or philanthropy, or combination of those things in relation to a particular thing or couple of things to do within the particular area of life, say the third house for example it’s transiting through while in Sagittarius —also the theme can be used as a connecting influence for your 9th house and in relation to Jupiter’s natal and progressed positions.

If we choose the theme of philanthropy how does Jupiter’s expression and wisdom through this outlet appear. For the philanthropist it may relate to a personal and or a collective cause to improve an aspect of human endeavour. In that sense, this is a very positive force and Jupiter would be very beneficial then due to there being a lack or a need for improvement with the cause of growth being the product of goodwill in this case and how this gets expressed—which could be through any one or other of the things which come under its rulership that’s connected or filtered through a thing or things to do with the area of life its transiting through, in connection with the natural ruling planet of the sign on the house cusp and its position in the natal and progressed chart.

Jupiter provides success in the form of growth and learning. It’s recognized as a quality of giving or bestowing and benefit—and it’s this electromagnetic force of consciousness as an aspect of intelligence that it often is referred to as being a planet of bounty. Often this occurs when there’s a real and authentic need that requires being attended to and is being met. In any case wisdom is its highest expression on each plane of consciousness.


Transiting Nodes

The second thing of note this month is the transiting moon’s North and South nodes have just changed signs from being in Leo and Aquarius for the last 18 months to Cancer and Capricorn. The moon’s nodal cycle takes about 19 years to do a full round so here again it can be useful to look back at what you did when they were last in Cancer/Capricorn, (which was from about April 2000 to mid October 2001) and the areas of life they were transiting through to gain extra insight into not only how they work, but also for determining what the particular theme was at that stage of your life in regards to direction and purpose and nodal sub themes. This can also be helpful for selecting a theme this time around—it may be you decide on a new one in relation to the things which come within the two houses the nodes are transiting through in your natal and progressed charts.

What comes into focus from now until they leave these two signs at the beginning of May 2020  is the nodes association or connection with the natural planetary rulers or the transiting nodes dispositors if you like of the signs “Cancer and Capricorn” which are the “Moon” for the North node and “Saturn” for the South node and where they are in your chart—and for more insight of those signs their natural planetary “soul” and “spiritual” rulers for extra things you might want to find out about regarding the nodes and those parts of your life.

Also of note in terms of the transiting South Node case especially is Saturn and Pluto as extra sources to consider as they are both presently transiting in Capricorn as well. There’s a lot to consider in that combination in terms of timing and those planetary energies to utilize and be aware of for example in creating opportunities and making plans and goals in regards to direction and attaining to a higher standard over the year associated with the nodes and the houses they are in your natal and progressed charts.

A few things of note for gleaning further insight and interpretation about the nodes is they are related to the moon so take that into account where its natal and progressed position is in terms of moon things, like soul purpose for example. Also the nodes represent a synchronous and reciprocal function—that is when they are used together as a pair they can be far more productive and effective as a result.

The houses the nodes are in define skills to be developed and further utilized—they don’t travel far over a lifetime, however looking at their progressed house and the 2.5 degree duad sign and its natural ruling planet as an overlay of their natal position will yield extra information on how to further develop them. It’s through the transiting nodes and noting their degrees as they move through the 10 degree decans (especially the element and quality of the ruling planet of the decan) of a sign and house they are transiting through that can make it easier also to see how they work and from that knowledge how they work in relation to their natal and progressed positions and how to further develop in those areas.

 “Direction” is often a keyword used to denote the nodal axis—the direction is not really from not having any direction but more so from development of employment of directing those things to do with the houses the nodes are in.

They can be likened to a compass needle. The house and the dispositor of the sign the South node is in represents skills, character traits, experiences, activities that when made use of can be developed further when directed at and in accordance with North node aims—being the things to do with the house it’s in the chart and the dispositor of the sign it’s in—As a result both will provide the right avenues for a higher standard of expression in the sphere of life they are in particularly the house the North node is in—subsequently this results also as a reciprocal benefit to the South node in terms of a) it can at certain times release or provide a dissolution of past karma things, but b) more so an integration and mutual benefit in relation to the things in which both the nodes have to do with in the houses they are in.

Here again with regards to the nodes and personal development aims or improvements a focus on a theme and things to do with the theme can be instrumental in further defining specific avenues and directions for ensuring the best possible outcomes result on your behalf from looking at what things in your life will be affected in relation to the houses Cancer and Capricorn are in the chart and their two dispositors as the nodes transit through those two signs.

For both transiting Jupiter and the Nodes this is an ideal time this new moon month for planning out and noting down things you would like to do, for not only over the year but they can also be incorporated as part of bigger longer term aims as they go around the chart and their cycle unfolds in terms of the broader picture and timespan they represent as they transit through each sign and house. Now each are just at the start of their transition phase into the new signs, so any new plans,, or ideas, or aims, you have or set now will synchronise those energies and attract those things and further help to align your values and intuitions in relation to greater growth and developments in direction to do with the areas in your chart they are passing through, especially any aspects of major significance throughout the year for the timing of events.

In addition any planets in the house that Jupiter and the Nodes are passing through are indicators of events and the type of things that will affect them as denoted by the things which come under the rulership of Jupiter and for the Nodes the natural planetary rulers (ie: dispositors) of Cancer and Capricorn.