
* Please note: The paypal button below will take you to the payment page whereupon after finalization of payment, you will see on the page where it asks if you want to "return to Greg Clarke." The link will redirect and take you to the thank you page with instructions for you to register your membership and username details. From thereon check your email inbox for an email from gclarke88@highermindawarenessastrology.com for your password and login details.

*Also included in the same email is a message about instructions for your bonus reports.

*note: If you don't see it directly in your inbox check your junk mail and "allow" so as any future emails from H.M.Awareness Astrology go direct to your inbox.

* "Astrology Inclusive" installment plan = 3 x payments of $40.00 each payment with the first payment now followed by the last two payments monthly.
*note: If you don't have a paypal account simply use your credit or debit card through paypal checkout.