• Day 1: Chart Creativity

    In chart creativity a chart is created from a pure blank circle. It’s turned into an astrological chart that basically is a symbolical representation of something that you like and have an interest in or want to find out more about such as a solution to a problem that needs to be worked on for example, or anything you perhaps want to further know about but cannot find answers in the normal traditional charts. Chart creativity is a fun and powerful means of tapping into your higher self where direct connection with your inventiveness and creative powers are accessed and given expression in particular to the activity you have chosen to discover more about.
    A creative chart done by you is a powerful medium for meditating on and understanding what’s being given to you from your higher self, regarding extra resources and skills that you can use.
    Here’s how it goes:

    Creative Chart

    1. Module 11 Diagram Chart Creativity

Astro ActivityModule Eleven/Day One - Activity

You may want to have your “Astrological Table for Interpretation” for assistance in keyword phrases and planetary levels for these two days lessons. Also you’ll need a lined sheet of paper for writing on.

First off the chart has the same ingredients as in normal astrology, namely the houses, and signs, and planets, however that's where it stops.

a) So first on a blank sheet of white paper begin by drawing the 12 areas of life as you would in the normal chart and numbering them in their natural order from 1 to 12 and draw a smaller circle in the centre but do not put any planets or signs in as yet and draw the other columns and legend as shown in the example chart below.

b) The first thing is to write down the thing or reason you are looking for to further find out and receive information about. This can be ascertained through determining what area of life your inquiry best relates to. So it would be the one that primarily is to do with your purpose for doing the chart in the first place. If you don't have anything important at present it doesn't matter, simply make one up. For now we’re just going to do an example for a bit of fun that will show us how creative charts are done.

c) Next we want to give our chart a name. In our example above we are going to name our chart “A Lucky Chart”. The name of a creative chart should tell us its theme of the type of chart it is. In this case it's a lucky chart we are creating to do with wealth improvement and winning the lottery. However it could be a chart on whatever it is you want to create regarding some part of your life. It’s better naturally if it’s something of sincere importance and meaning for you, and something you want to grow in and use to further make your life better in some way or through some means that can fulfill your wishes and goals for example.

d) On your blank sheet of paper where you have drawn your wheel with the 12 houses in it extend the house cusps out further, so they go out about 3 cm beyond the circumference, as later on we will be filling in the progressed planets. Next on the same sheet put a column down one side with all the planets listed on it and additional celestial bodies and on the other side put three columns with the headings “Natal” “Progressed” and “Sign” on the top.

e) Next at the bottom of the page draw a legend for the chart that's made up of eight lines with the title “Legend” on the top of the table, and then add the titles.

  • Chart signature
  • Planetary shape
  • Ruling planet
  • Main zodiacal trail
  • Houses with planets
  • Ascendant and Descendant ruler
  • MC and IC rulers

a) Now is the time to put the planets in. The key is to arrange them so that they all complement each other and at the same time fill the highest most positive positions in which represents the type of chart that you're aiming to create. So in this example we would be putting the planets in positions where for our purpose it’s the most luckiest for us that we can at present envision regarding winning the lottery big time. You want to raise the power of the planets electromagnetic forces so you want to connect them with each other by putting them in groups of conjunctions, and oppositions, and strategically putting them in the houses that suit their expression that you believe would be lucky for you if you are doing a Lucky Chart. If it's a relationship chart, however then you would put them in where they can be best expressed in terms of how you would like a relationship to be in its ideal situation. Or perhaps you want to meet a special someone and have a relationship with them so you define the type of relationship you are seeking by drawing it in the chart. The key is to have the planets correspond with what best suits them in an area of life and the sign.

f) Next comes the signs and here again is where it gets different in chart creativity. The signs instead of going in their natural order can be put anywhere around the charts 12 areas. The signs can be in any element and quality. The key here is to see what signs work well with the planets that you've got drawn in. You may want to change a planet here and there to match a sign—in any case the signs have their ruling planets the same, so you'll need to perhaps also consider the charts balance and how it can be made more expressive and stronger when a sign is put on a particular cusp of each house and complementing the planets in that house and the other planets in another house(s).

Remember the signs are defining “how” a planet expresses itself and every sign has its natural planetary ruler which also will complement one of the other houses depending where the signs ruling planet is positioned. You may also want to consider the signs and the planets in relation to when you put your progressed planets in on the outside of the circumference of the wheel. The progressed planets will only move so far, according to their yearly movements so need to be within whatever the range the planets in their progressed motion would be in normal circumstances as in a traditional chart to give it a viable realistic example that matches as if it could happen in real time.

g) Now is time for the houses. You already have the house’s filled in their natural order and now on the inside of the circle in the centre—put down the houses in any order that you like that you feel would further compliment the signs and planets and build the chart up even more. What this is showing is that you have the natural order houses properly shown as a guide for their allotted activities to that area of life based on the correct astrological technique—and the houses on the inside of the inner circle means you will have the types of activities of another area of life that works with the natural order house and serves to enhance the theme of the chart.

The key to the inner houses is to regard them like progressed or supporting house activities in relation to the planets within the house—so that what you're trying to discover more about will increase in the power to manifest related to the activities of that house by adding the inner circle houses numbers. The natural order numbers are there because of their traditional associations and also because you can use them to link with the natural planetary ruler of the sign on the cusp—wherever the house it’s been put in the chart.

h) Now that you have all the planets, and the progressed planets, and the signs in their houses all numbered—fill in the columns on the right side of the page where you have the three headings of “natal” and “progressed” and “sign” with their corresponding planets.

What the legend does is give you a way to logically see and interpret what your subconscious has done when you wanted to find something out about something important—this actually works off the principles on the law of attraction and manifestation of an outcome, as it brings out a way for you to access from within you, higher states of communication where the answers and keys are written in code if you like in the subconscious.

Activity 2

 In this activity fill in the columns with “natal and progressed and sign” and the legend at
the bottom with each piece.



Next: Module Eleven - Day 2